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Primary Montessori

Montessori Elementary program is meticulously crafted to meet the developmental needs of children aged 6 to 12, known as the Second Plane. of Development in Montessori theory. This stage is characterized by a heightened sense of reasoning and critical thinking, and the child’s mind becomes more abstract. The child develops a greater ability to form concepts and ideas, and the imagination becomes more vivid. Children are also able to engage in complex problem-solving and abstract reasoning.

During this stage, children experience a rise in morality and a growing sense of social responsibility. They have a strong desire to contribute to their community and to work cooperatively with others. The Montessori Elementary program takes advantage of this need for group work and social development by promoting a collaborative learning environment. Children are encouraged to learn and work together on projects and share their ideas, which helps to develop teamwork and leadership skills.

The elementary program is designed to be an intellectual exploration for children. Cosmic Education is a central aspect of the Montessori Elementary curriculum. It aims to instil in children a sense of wonder and awe for the universe and all its parts and encourages them to see their place in the larger cosmic story. It is structured to provide children with hands-on, experiential learning opportunities that foster a love of discovery and learning. The program focuses on subjects such as mathematics, language, geography, science, history, and cultural studies, and each subject is presented in a way that shows interconnectedness and interdependence.

In conclusion, the Montessori Elementary program is designed to meet the specific developmental needs of the Second Plane child. It promotes the development of critical thinking, imagination, abstract reasoning, moral awareness, social skills, and a love of learning. The program provides a supportive and challenging environment that helps children to reach their full potential and become confident, capable, and compassionate individuals.